Diploma of Hospitality Management [SIT50422]

Diploma of Hospitality Management (CRICOS Course Code: 110324J)

This qualification reflects the role of highly skilled senior operators who use a broad range of hospitality skills combined with managerial skills and sound knowledge of the industry to coordinate hospitality operations. They operate independently, have responsibility for others and make a range of operational business decisions.

This qualification provides a pathway to work in any hospitality industry sector as a departmental or small business manager. The diversity of employers includes restaurants, hotels, motels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafés, and coffee shops. This qualification allows for multiskilling and for acquiring targeted skills in accommodation services, cookery, food and beverage and gaming.

The skills in this qualification must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification specified in the Training Package.

Learners must be over 18 years of age. All international students must be able to demonstrate an IELTS 5.5 level of English language or equivalent. They need to have completed their education to a level which is equivalent to an Australian Senior High School, College or University.

Course Duration

This program is delivered over 104 weeks’ including term breaks of full-time study. Our program uses a combination of face-to-face classroom learning, practical hands-on classes in our training facility, and online resources and activities to enhance the learning experience. A total of 15 hours a week is undertaken in the classroom, with additional 5 hours completed online each week. As part of this qualification, you are required to complete work-based activities that allow you to develop your skills in the hospitality industry.

  • Calendar Year: One Hundred and Four Weeks (104) weeks
  • Academic Year: Eighty (80) weeks
  • Term breaks: Twenty-Four Weeks (24) 8 ×3 weeks

Possible Job outcomes include:
  • Banquet or Function Manager
  • Bar Manager
  • Café Manager
  • Club Manager
  • Front Office Manager
  • Kitchen Manager
  • Motel Manager
  • Restaurant Manager
  • Unit Manager Catering Operations

After achieving the SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management, students may undertake further study to the SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management or other Advanced Diploma Level Courses.

Core Unit


Use hygienic practices for food safety
SITXCCS015 Enhance customer service experiences
SITXWHS007 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
SITXCOM010 Manage Conflict
SITXHRM008 Roster Staff
SITXCCS016 Develop and manage quality customer service practices
SITXFIN009 Manage finances within a budget
SITXFIN010 Prepare and monitor budgets
SITXGLC002 Identify and manage legal risks and comply with Law
SITXHRM008 Lead and manage people
SITXMGT004 Monitor work operations
SITXMGT005 Establish and conduct business relationships
SITHIND008 * Work effectively in hospitality service

Elective Units


Clean premises and equipment
SITHFAB024 Prepare and serve non-alcoholic beverages
SITHFAB025 Prepare and serve espresso coffee
SITXCCS010 Provide visitor information
SITEEVT023 Plan in-house events
SITHFAB021 Provide responsible service of alcohol
SITHIND006 Source and use information on the hospitality industry
SITXINV008 Control stock
SITXINV007 Purchase Goods
SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
SITEEVT029 Research event industry trends and practices
SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
SITEEVT020 Source and use information on the Events Industry
SITXWHS008 Establish and maintain a work health and safety system
BSBFIN601 Manage organisational finances

*Denotes this unit is completed in the workplace as part of the course.
NB. Please note that all units are correct at the time of publication and may change to reflect Industry needs.

Work Placement

In order to successfully complete the course and to be awarded with the Qualification students must complete a period of work placement to demonstrate their ability to perform to the required standard in the workplace.

Work Placement for this course includes a minimum of 400 hours.



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