Enrolment Information

Student Recruitment, Selection and Enrolment Procedure

When prospective students apply to enter SIBN College to study for above courses, the following criteria applies:
Applicants must complete the student agreement, sign and date where required and attach verified evidence of qualifications, work experience (if relevant) and IELTS test results.
The Administrative Manager must review the student agreement and determine if an offer should be made on the basis of the entry requirements for the qualification. To be accepted the applicant must at least meet the academic entry requirements and the minimum IELTS requirement. The entry requirements can be assessed using the College education equivalency document to align overseas qualifications. IELTS testing is not required where an applicant clearly has the required English language skills. The evidence for this would include verified evidence of completing education in an English speaking country or at an English speaking school or completing a Certificate III or higher level qualification in Australia.
Where an offer is to be made to an applicant the Administrative Manager must sign and date the appropriate section on the student agreement.
Once an offer has been approved by the Administrative Manager an offer letter must be prepared and despatched to the student and an Electronic Confirmation of Offer (CoE) generated on PRISMS. The CoE must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the PRISMS User Guide.
If the applicant’s educational qualifications do not meet the College’s admission requirements, other factors will be considered. These are:

  • Mature age,
  • Work experience,
  • Attitude and aptitude,
  • Previous academic results,
  • Attendance rate in the previous college,
  • Ability and skills to function in an academic environment,
  • Possibility to succeed in his/her academic endeavours.

If an applicant cannot produce a satisfactory IELTS score, and there are doubts about the English language skills to cope in an academic environment, the applicant is advised to enroll in an English (ELICOS) Course for an appropriate duration until the student achieves an Intermediate Level.
In a situation where the student can demonstrate that he or she can communicate in English but cannot produce any formal English qualification as described above, then the student will be tested in other English Language School. (Top)

Language Literacy and Numeracy (VET)

Applicants who wish to study for Certificate or Diploma courses, and are unable to provide documentation attesting to their English proficiency levels will be tested before they can enrol in a Diploma course. The following testing procedures apply:
Students have to sit for a designed English test in designated ELICOS Centre by SIBN College specifically geared to establish the following English competencies:

  • Syntax and grammar,
  • Reading comprehension,
  • Writing descriptive/free-style essay and/or a business-oriented essay,
  • Listening to spoken and academic English,
  • Speaking – a brief topic-oriented discussion.

The test is marked on the principles of the IELTS band score to establish a student’s competence to function in an academic environment.
Students who already have a satisfactory IELTS score and who are found to experience difficulty with the English language are counselled by the Director of Studies to undertake further studies or remedial studies in English (ESL) for an appropriate duration. The participants for each program offered by the college will be selected in a manner that reflects access and equity principles. (Top)

Qualifications to be issued

Students completing all assessment requirements for a qualification will be awarded a certificate corresponding to the completed course. Students completing assessment requirements for part of a qualification will be awarded a Statement of Attainment indicating which modules or units of competency they have completed. (Top)

Student Visa Requirements

According to Dept. of Homeaffairs (DOH), you must provide evidence that satisfies the assessment factors applicable to you to be granted a student visa. Assessment factors include your financial ability, English proficiency, likely compliance with the conditions of your visa and any other matters considered relevant to assessing your application". Additional information on student visa issues is available on DOH internet site on http://www.immi.homeaffairs.gov.au and the Study in Australia internet site (link) (Top)

Overseas Student Health Cover

Overseas student health cover (OSHC) is insurance that provides cover on the costs for medical and hospital care which international students may need while in Australia. OSHC will also pay for most prescription drugs and emergency ambulance transport.
If you are an international student studying in Australia, you must purchase an approved OSHC policy from a registered health benefits organisation - commonly referred to as health funds before applying for your visa. You
will need to buy OSHC before you come to Australia, to cover you from when you arrive. You will also need to maintain OSHC throughout your stay in Australia. You can find out more about purchasing OSHC here. (Top)

Full Time Study

Australian law requires International students to study at a full time study load. A full-time study load is normally a minimum of 20 hours per week for at least 36 weeks each calendar year or continuous 12-month period.
Please be aware that if your attendance drops below 80% over any 2-weeks period the College is required to review your involvement, counsel you, implement an intervention strategy and, if poor attendance persists, report you to DIBP. The report to DIBP will lead to the cancellation of your Visa. If your attendance falls below the 80% attendance requirement and you have unsatisfactory academic progress you will be reported to DIBP which will lead to the cancellation of your visa. (Top)

Satisfactory and academic progress

Academic Progression

The College monitors students' attendance and academic performance in each qualification. Support structures are in place to assist students to successfully achieve the course outcomes. Trainers monitor students' progress continuously. Students are provided with feedback on their progress and offered additional time and trainer support as required.

Course Progress Requirements

Students are expected to achieve the following requirements in order to meet the satisfactory course progress requirements:
  • A mark of Competent in all assessment tasks in the qualification in which the student is enrolled.
  • Achieve 50% of academic per term (study period)
  • satisfactory attendance at scheduled classes
The consequences of failure to meet two or more of the requirements for satisfactory course progress are as follows:
  • Students who fail to achieve a mark of Competent in an assessment task are provided with the opportunity for re-assessment. Students who fail to achieve an overall mark of Competent for all assessment tasks for a unit of competency will be allowed to continue their enrolment but will be considered at risk of not making satisfactory progress for the term following the one in which they were deemed Not Yet Competent. Students considered to be 'at risk' will be notified and asked to make an appointment to see the Director of Studies who will establish an additional program of support. It is the student's responsibility to maintain attendance at the College during this time.
  • There will be a fee for the re-assessment (please refer to fees and other charges attached to this book)
The program of support implemented by the College may include:
  • Attending counselling regarding learning
  • Receiving individual coaching
Records of the implementation of the additional program of support are kept in the student's file.
  • Within 10 working days of the completion of a term the college will review the academic progress of all students and identify those students who have failed 50% or more units in the term and warning letter will be sent requiring them to attend a course counselling interview.
  • Student academic/Tutorial support.
  • Additional English support.
  • If a student fails more than 50% of units in two consecutive study periods then the College must notify the student in writing of its intention to report the student for not achieving satisfactory academic progress. The students must be informed they have 20 working days to appeal to the College. If the appeal is not upheld or the student withdraws from the appeal process then the CoE will be cancelled through PRISMS.

Conduct of Assessment

Assessment is conducted in accordance with the National Assessment Principles. Assessment is competency based against the standards outlined in the units of competency, it includes:
  • assessment to determine your training needs
  • assessment during the training to judge how you are progressing
  • assessment of performance at end of the units of training
  • recognition of prior learning or recognition of current competency
Assessment involves the collection of sufficient evidence to demonstrate you are competent. This may include:
  • Measurement of products you have made or services you deliver
  • Measurement of your knowledge and understanding
  • Observation of the attitudes you demonstrate.
Assessment methods may involve you in:
  • Demonstrating your skills
  • Answering written and/or oral questions
  • Participating in group discussions
  • Developing a portfolio of work
  • Making oral presentations to the group
  • Participating in a role play
  • Completing a project
  • Completing a written test
The outcomes of assessment are Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC) or Did Not Submit (DNS). If you are assessed as Not Yet Competent you can request a re-assessment. You will be given feedback on the outcome of each assessment by your trainer/assessor. During the course your individual assessment results are maintained by your trainer/assessor.


Graduates of the College may seek credits to the relevant degree programs in Australian Universities. Pls check updating pathway information with admin manger from SIBN.(Top)

Working in Australia

Students can apply for a student visa with permission to work in Australia after commencement of their course of study. A fee will have to be paid for this visa. Immigration laws allow students to work for a limited number of hours, currently 20 hours per week during the College study time and full-time during breaks. However, work is not always easy to find and under no circumstances can students rely on income earned in Australia to pay tuition fees. Students are not permitted to work if it interferes with their study. (Top)

School-aged Dependents

There are requirements for compulsory school attendance for children or dependents of international students. In New South Wales it is compulsory for children to attend school until the age of 16. The choice of schools includes public schools, private schools and religious schools. People over the age of 16 can continue to attend school until they have completed year 12. Dependents of persons holding a student visa may be required to pay full fees in any school, college or university that they enrol in whilst in Australia. (Top)


A USI is a reference number made up of numbers and letters. Creating a USI is free. It creates a secure online record of your nationally recognized training that you can access anytime and anywhere, and it's yours for life. About the Unique Student Identifier (USI)(Top)


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